What does it take to win the battle?
The next step is to fill out a short (5-question) application for a consultation to determine if your child & family qualify for a program. Once you fill out the application, you’ll choose a time that’s easiest for you and anyone else involved in raising your child (if applicable) to meet with one of our directors.
Read the case studies below to learn more about how we helped some of our clients end the battle!
ADHD, SPD, & Anxiety: Danielle
Listen to Danielle explain their journey with their “spicy” kiddo who was struggling in multiple areas but is now thriving and is a leader in his classroom!

Anxiety: T
Read about T’s incredible transformation as she overcame her anxiety improved, her sleep issues resolved, and school became so much easier!
Case study coming soon below

Asperger's, SPD, & Tourette's: M
Read the story of how M overcome his daily battle, feels “free for the first time ever” and was able to come off his medication!
Case study coming soon below
None of those families got there on their own. Our program flexes around and with you, the parents – in real time – as your child changes each week. You’ll learn the science and protocols that create real, measurable, and lasting change for your child’s brain and, therefore, their symptoms.
Become the expert on your child’s brain and we’ll come alongside you to support you, direct you, hold you accountable, and answer your questions every step of the way.
But we’re not going to make any decisions without each other, so fill out the application now to set up your consultation, and let’s make sure we can win this battle together.
Apply for your personalized consultation here: