Delta Genesis Adhd Help For Kids

At Delta Genesis, we are certain of one thing: life is infinitely better when we know how to “be still and know I AM”


Having a consistent spiritual, energetic, and measurable experience with the Source of Life within you creates a lightness and an ease that the human heart is hardwired to desire. 


When we align ourselves mentally , emotionally, and energetically with the Christ within, the full power and wisdom of I AM flows to and through us so that we may experience all the abundance and love and joy that is our true nature. 


We become aware that we are eternal, unconditional, and infinitely creative! 


Rather than seeking an occasional hiatus from the contrasts of life, we believe that rest, abundant life, and the fulfillment of our desires are moment-by-moment realities that we can live in without the need to perform or prove our worthiness. 


If you’re looking for answers and solutions to your questions and problems, all of that and more exists hidden away inside you, eagerly waiting for you to awaken to the infinite reality of who you really are: an expression and an extension of I AM, the source of life and all that exists!


Entering into the pleasure and peace of alignment is not hard, but it does require a desire and a willingness to “do the work” of releasing resistance and surrendering to the flow of the river of Life who adores you and is completely focused with you as you move through the experience of life in 3D.

Come hang out with us as we connect with that river and with each other and bask in the full experience of the Great I AM!

Weekly meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at noon CST! Message Mike on Facebook for updates on dates/locations.

Mission Statement

At Delta Genesis, our main mission is to make the Kingdom of God available and accessible to as many people as possible, and to help both adults and children to connect with the Source of all creation. 

The reality is that when a person of any age has neurodevelopmental delays, such as ADHD, Asperger’s, Autism Spectrum Disorder, bipolar, anxiety, depression, emotional regulation issues, sensory issues, and many others, the brain actually limits that person’s ability to connect to themselves, their body, the people around them, and ultimately that which we call God. 

By creating an opportunity for children and families to engage the brain and increase it’s functionality, we believe that we help them open the door to experience true connection to God, self, and others. 

It’s not our goal to teach doctrine, but rather to facilitate neurologic growth and connectivity so that the individual child or adult can, primarily, sense the spirit of God, and secondarily, engage with the abstract concepts that may be taught in their family’s spiritual or religious pursuits. 

Our bi-weekly meetings are a time for us to gather and meditate with the intention of experiencing the energies and presence of the Source of Life who resides in the human body, to practice bodily awareness and divine connection, to talk about and teach spiritual truths, to give our children a time to ask questions and learn, and to talk freely about all the wonderful things that are happening in our lives as we flow with the Source of Love and Life each day!